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9th century B.C, Mythical age.
8th - 7th century, Thraces locate for the first time on the Peninsula of Athos.
6th century, Greeks came in the region of Athos and Hellenized it.
5th - 2nd century, The 6 - 7 cities of the peninsula were colonies of small Greek states and had their autonomy.
493, The fleet of the Persian general Mardonios was destroyed at the coast of Athos.
481, Xerxis constructed a canal in the current area of Provlaka.
168, The region of Athos was dominated by the Romans.
324 - 337 A.D, The whole region of Athos was included in Iliriko and in 379 in the Eastern Iliriko.
412, Athos was given temporarily (and in 716-744 finally) to the bishop of Istanbul. 
5th century, The monastic life is introduced on Athos.
842, Monks of Athos took part in the Assembly of the Reigning dealing with the re-establishment of icons.
9th century, Many icons were given to Athos because of the iconoclasts.
874, A golden bull by the King Vasilios I of Macedonia refers to monasticism on the peninsula of Chalkidiki.
9th - 10th century, Petros of Athos and Efthimios of Thessalonica lived on the peninsula.
934, The assembly of the Elders (the monastic center of Athos) is named "ancient".
963, The monastery of G. Lavra is founded by Athanasios, a monk from Trapezounta.
972, The first Typikon (Charter) of Agion Oros was composed (by Ioannis Tsimiskis).
980, The monastery of Iveron was founded.
10th - 11th century, The monasteries of Xiropotamou, Vatopediou, Xenophontos, Amalfinon, Zografou, Konstamonitou, Karakallou, Philotheou and Koutloumousiou were founded.
1045, Mount Athos is named “¶gion Oros” by the golden bull signed by the emperor Konstantinos IV the Monomahos.
1046, The second Charter of Agion Oros was composed.
1050 (approximately) The monasteries of Agion Oros reach 125.
1080 - 1120, Two hundred families arrived on Athos and upset the monks who lived there.
1198, The monastery of Chelandariou was founded by the Serbian sovereign Stefano and his son Rasko. 
13th century, Pirates and crusaders of the IV Crusade plunder the region of Athos. In his letter, Pope Inakentius III refers to Agion Oros as a “Holy Place”, “House of God” and “celestial gate”. 
1307 -1309, Many monasteries were destroyed by adventurers – mercenary Catalonians.
14th century. 
During that age, Athos presented an intellectual prosperity. The monasteries of Gregoriou, Simonos Petras, Pantokrator and St. Paul were founded, the Hermits movement was developed and the sanctuaries of the monasteries of Chelandariou, Vatopediou, etc., were related, except the one of Protatos, according to the principles of the Macedonian Faculty.
1394, The third Charter of Agion Oros was composed (Charter by Antony).
1406, Via the golden bull by Manuel II Paleologos (Charter IV), the right to possess real estate was recognized to the monks and the entrance of women was prohibited in Agion Oros.
1430, 1453, The monks of Mount Athos ensured their privileges by the Turkish conquerors.
1453 - 1913, Agion Oros remains under the Turkish sovereign.
1533, The monastery of Stavronikita was founded.
16th century, The altar of G. Lavra and its sanctuary, Molivokklisia, the sanctuary of the monasteries of Koutloumousiou, Stauronikita, Dionysiou, Docheiarion, the altars of other monasteries and their chapels etc were related according to the style of the Cretan Faculty.
1575, The V Charter of Agion Oros was composed.
17th century, Poverty and ignorance overrun the monks in Agion Oros.
The skete of Saint Anna was founded and the monasteries were altered from coenobitic to   idiorrhythmic. 
1700 -1750, The sketes of Kausokalivion, Timiou Prodromou, Saint Dimitrios (Vatopediou), Pirgou the New one, Saint Dimitrios (Ag. Paul), Evangelism of Virgin Mary and Saint Panteleimonos were founded. 
1720 -1730, The painter and historiographer Dionysios from Fourna of Agrafa lived and worked in Karyes.
1743, The Academy of Athos was founded near the monastery of Vatopediou.
1755, A printing-house remained in operation at the monastery of G. Lavra for about two generations.
1750-1800, Agion Oros was upset by the movement of Kolivadon.
1782, The VI Charter of Agion Oros was composed.
1784-1818, Seven idiorrhythmic monasteries were altered to coenobitic.
1810, The VII Charter of Agion Oros was composed (Patriarch Gregorios the V'). The Holy Community was established. 
1821-1830, A period marked by the entry and stay in Agion Oros of the Turkish army.
1839-1850, Four idiorrhythmic monasteries were altered to coenobitic.
1842, The Faculty of Athos was founded in Karyes.
1850-1900, Many buildings on Athos were renovated and new ones were built.
1912, 2nd November. The Greek fleet took hold of the peninsula of Athos.
1923, The Treaty of Lausanne recognized the Greek sovereignty in the whole region of Agion Oros.
1924, The bill of rights of Agion Oros was composed.
1963, The Millennium of the organized monastic life of Athos was celebrated in Karyes, Thessalonica and Athens.
1971-1982, Five idiorrhythmic monasteries were altered to coenobitic

The Russian skete of Saint Andrew near Karyes also ...
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e. NEW SKETE (Saint Paul)
South East of the monastery of Saint Paul is locat ...
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