www.acapus.com Greek         ÁããëéêÜ Last updated 23/12/2004    


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Monasteries of Athos

Many are today the people who visit the State of Athos all year around and especially in the summer, spring and winter. From these, many are special researchers and others not. The first are usually theologians, archeologists, scholars, historians, physicists, agriculturists, etc. The second follow several other professions. Therefore, the visit of people from the first category presents a research character while the visit of people from the second a pilgrimage one.
However, irrespective of the character a private or group visit presents, it has to be organized. The organization of the visit is needed because of the distribution of the monasteries throughout the entire peninsula of Athos, of the difficult of access ground, of the peculiarity of the monastic life and of the lack of regular means of transportation.
We present you with a summary of the twenty monasteries of Agion Oros in their hierarchical order.

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