www.acapus.com Greek         ÁããëéêÜ Last updated 23/12/2004    


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Today, all other institutions such as sketes, cells, huts, seats and hermitages belong to the aforementioned twenty sovereign monasteries of the self administrated monastic State
of Mount Athos.
In the twelve sketes, whose inhabitants follow an idiorhythmic or coenobitic way of life, monasticism is communal, meaning organized in small communities, each one of which constitutes a skete.
On the contrary, in all the other dependable monastery institutions, approximately three hundred, life is disorganized, distinguished in hermitic and secluded. There are those who live in cells and seats (hermitic life) and those who remain in hermitages, meaning poor hats or caves (secluded life).
From the twelve sketes of Agion Oros, we have already presented six:
1.  Saint Andreas    (Vatopediou),
2.  Saint Ioannis the Precursor (Iveron),
3.  Saint Panteleimonas (Koutloumousiou), 4.  Prophet Elias  (Pantokratoros),
5.  Evangelismou of  Virgin Mary  (Xenofondos) and   6. Vogodoritsa (Saint Panteleimonas or Rosikou). You can find bellow a detailed presentation of the remaining six sketes and of other monastery institutions.

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